Why Ademy?
Strugling with your learning?
Ademy is an ideal online learning platform that brings interactive and engaging lessons right to your home. Just sign up an account and you can:
• Study at low cost – high quality.
• Enjoy your studying with thousands of video learning materials designed by Australian and Vietnamese educational experts that make the lessons Easy to learn - Easy to remember - Easy to apply.
• Choose courses based on your needs and in your preferred languages.
Exhausted from planning lessons, creating learning materials and managing classes?
Ademy is an ideal platform with powerful lesson planning tools and a digital library to support teachers in opening courses and sustainably increasing their income. Just sign up an account and you can:
• Significantly reduce lesson planning time.
• Freely access and use Ademy’s engaging video materials to bring life into your lessons and bring the lessons back to life.
• Easily create, launch and manage interactive, engaging courses and earn your sustainable income.
Seeking for a digital platform to build up a creative teaching and learning environment?
Ademy is a reliable partner providing your desired digital platform with many useful modules which help your organization:
• Manage and Monitor the whole teaching and learning process.
• Apply student continuous assessment.
• Utilize thousands of high-quality, engaging teaching materials in video, PDF, Word, and PPTX formats.
• Support teachers in applying most advanced teaching approaches: Project-based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Inquiry-based Learning, Integrated Teaching Approach...
• Support teachers in organizing STEM and STEAM teaching.
With an Ademy account, students can:
• Study at your own pace. Revise and Consolidate your knowledge at any time.
• Enroll in Advanced Courses for High school students.
• Enroll in career-oriented courses.
• Explore and Enjoy soft skills courses.
• Choose courses based on your needs and in your preferred languages.
• Enjoy thousands of engaging video learning materials designed by Australian and Vietnamese educational experts.
• Master your knowledge and skills with hundred of thousands of Easy-To-Learn, Easy-To-Remember and Easy-To-Apply lessons.
• Study at low cost – high quality.
With an Ademy account, teachers can:
• Make full use of simple, easy-to-use lesson planning tools.
• Flexibly combine self-designed contents with available materials in Ademy's Library.
• Use exclusive high-quality illustration videos from Ademy to insert in their lessons.
• Significantly reduce time in designing interactive and engaging lessons.
• Better manage/control their classes and courses with student attendance report and lesson completion statistics.
• Easily apply advanced teaching approaches, such as Project-based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Integrated Teaching, and Inquiry-based Learning, etc., to classes with a combination of online learning and classroom activities.
• Store lectures, tests, etc., for easy future updates and reuse.
• Greatly save time by using the quiz auto-assessment tool.
• Easily create, launch and manage interactive, engaging courses and earn your sustainable income.
Ademy is NOT an LMS, but an Online Learning and Teaching Platform for Educational Institutions/Schools. Ademy provides Organizations many useful modules which help
• Manage and Monitor the whole teaching and learning process.
• Apply student continuous assessment.
• Utilize thousands of high-quality, engaging teaching materials in video, PDF, Word, and PPTX formats. Learning materials are designed in line with Australian Curriculum and Vietnamese Curriculum.
• Support teachers in applying most advanced teaching approaches: Project-based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Inquiry-based Learning, Integrated Teaching Approach...
• Support teachers in organizing STEM and STEAM teaching.
New in the Library
Tectonic Plate Interactions: The Forces that Shape Our Planet
The Heart
Biology _ Understanding Genotype and Phenotype
The Fascinating World of Radioactivity: A Tale of Unstable Atoms
Our team
Ms. Jann Duxbury-Robert
- Math Teacher since 2000
- Math Curriculum Development Expert
Ms. Lê Thị Hoàng Hà
- Education Assessment Expert.
Mr. Phan Huy Minh
- Master, Teacher of Chemistry
Mr. Jimmy Murada
- Teacher of Earth & Environmental Science.
Ms. Christina Naydovska
- Secondary Teacher of Business Studies, Commerce, Society and Culture, Legal Studies, History, Geography
Mr. Trung Dai Nguyen
- Master of Journalism and Communication
- Bachelor of Teaching English as a Second Language.
"Thank you, Ademy, for providing me with a wonderful tool, especially a library with a collection of really impressive and accurate video illustrations. I feel that my students can shorten the time to understand and remember the knowledge and can devote more effort to practice and training."
- Quách Hương,
Physics Teacher
"Chemistry lessons are often very difficult to visualize, especially atomic structure and the nature of chemical bonds. Even with frequent experiments, students find it difficult to visualize and remember this knowledge. But this can be easily solved with video learning materials in Ademy's library. I have had interesting and engaging lessons for my students."
- Minh Phan Huy,
Chemistry Teacher
"I like the video lessons on Ademy, especially the ones about chemical science. Do you remember the periodic table? It took me more than two weeks to understand and memorize some chemical rules and laws. But with just two or three short 5-minute video lessons on Ademy, I really understood it! Now chemical science is much easier!"
- Jullia Brown,
"I have watched the video material on the Circulatory System for Year 8 students several times. This video is excellent. The animation is really good. The content is spot on and appropriate for Year 8 students. If the video is overdubbed with a real person, I think it will make the dialogue more engaging. Overall, it's great and I'm very impressed."
- Jimmy Murrada,
Science Teacher, New South Wales, Australia
"I am very impressed with the easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember video lessons. A lesson that, if reading a book or document, may take an hour to understand and visualize all the details, can be understood in just 5 minutes of watching a video. Especially the lessons about genes in 10th-grade Biology, Australian program. A very wonderful explanation."
- Hoàng Minh, Student
What’s news?
Our Partners
Media Express
Media Express is a partner of Brisbane AD Group, responsible for producing and editing video lessons based on content designed by education experts from Brisbane AD Group, to provide learning materials for the Ademy library.
SYS Vietnam
SYS Vietnam - Vietnam National Supporting Center for Youth’s Startup, utilizes the Ademy Online Education Platform to provide courses that help young Vietnamese start their own businesses.
Key Solution
Key Solution is a partner of Brisbane AD Group to provide services based on the Ademy Online Education Platform for users in Vietnam.